Good Afternoon Hope School Families,
Please join us at Hope Elementary School for our Open House and Ice Cream Social on Thursday, August 29th at 5:30 - 7:00 pm.
This is a great opportunity to meet your child's teacher and visit the classroom.
Feel free to drop off any classroom supplies at this time.
We are looking forward to seeing you and your child/ren!
Together let's make it a fantastic school year!
Hope School Staff:
Kindergarten, Mrs. Shelton
First-Second Multi-Age, Mrs. Petersen
Second-Third Multi-Age, Mrs. Tuttle
4-6 Multi-Age, Mrs. Spencer
4-6 Multi-Age, Mrs. Majors
Special Services, Mr. Challinor
Physical Education, Mr. Peterson
Music and Band, Mrs. Gordon
Counselor, Mrs. Kleiber
Title I and Principal, Mrs. Hatley
School Office Coordinator, Pam Hewitt
Librarian and Advanced Math, Mrs. Kiebert
Technology Lab Tech: Mrs. Fluckiger
Sara Thompson, Sarah Matteson, Chelsea Challinor
Child Nutrition Staff: Carl Pratt, Sherrie Boudousquie,
Custodian, Mrs. Seay
I am looking forward to the Open House on Thursday!