Friday, September 18, 2020
Week 2: Another Great Week with Hope Wildcats!
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Successful First Week! Yahoo!!!
September 11, 2020
Dear Hope Wildcat Families,
On behalf of all our Hope School staff, I am very excited to say it’s been a great first week
of getting back to school under some very bizarre circumstances. I am grateful for all
of your support in working with us to follow our LPOSD Covid Protocols for the “Yellow”
level of operation. We are back in school and we want to stay in school!
We are still adjusting to our new schedules and each day we get better and better.
In the mornings please remember our school doors open at 7:50am and our whole
class instruction begins at 8:20am. Our school day dismissal is at 1:00 pm. While our
busses are loading at the playground end of the building, parents can pick up their
children at the front doors. We have staff members ready to greet you and get your kids
out to you in quick fashion (again, each day we become more efficient).
If you need to call the school to change your child pick up plans, the earlier in the day
you call us the better. If possible, please make these phone calls prior to 12:30pm.
It is difficult to answer last minute phone calls and get the changes to the appropriate
classrooms. In about a 10 minute time span we are getting 96 children to their designated
bus or car. Please help us with this critically important transition. We want ALL Hope
students to safely get where they need to go.
Some things we think are fun… It is our culture to teach and promote kindness, safety,
responsibility, respect and school pride. Each Wednesday we celebrate kindness by
wearing pink or red to help everyone to recognize the importance of being kind. Get
your Pink on for Kindness! Red is an option for anyone who doesn’t prefer pink. Each
Friday (or last day of the week because sometimes Friday is a day off), we wear our school
colors - green and white, or Hope School shirts or sweatshirts. School Pride Fridays are
fantastic days that bring students and staff together by showing our Wildcat Pride
and connectedness.
As always, please feel free to contact our school, teachers, office staff or myself if you
have any questions or concerns. We look forward to this school year being a fantastic
school year! Thank you for the privilege and opportunity to work with you and your children.
Sherri Hatley, Principal Hope School
Hope School Staff
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